The Woods Counselling Co.

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What’s Emotion Regulation all About?

The emotion Regulation Module has been found to correct skills deficits and teach clients about the functions of their emotions.

DBT seeks to look at the factors that make up the clients emotional reaction through the use of chain analysis that is often used in CBT. And through the DBT treatment the aim is for better regulation of their emotions and the desired outcome of building a life worth living.

There are three parts to teaching emotion regulation, first helping clients to Understand and Naming Emotions. When we go over this we often bring in Brene Browns Emotions research as through her shame resilience research she has come up with beautiful descriptions. Then, in our virtual therapy sessions we proceed to teaching the Functions of each emotion, as often we don’t connect this. Using tools like videos and slide we discuss process these and use the model of emotions to break down the cognitive and behavioral parts. Lastly reviewing how clients can Observe describe, and name emotions as they arise. Part of this is teaching clients how emotions motivate their action urges.

And then we go over how clients can begin changing unwanted emotions through skills like:

a. Checking the facts - Does this emotion fit the situation?

i. Problem solving

ii. Opposite actions - if the emotion doesn't fit the facts then opposite action is encouraged as clients can take anxiety and instead of moving away from the scary situation they would be encouraged to be curious about it. And take even one step towards it.

3. Decrease emotional vulnerability. This involves the following skills of

  • Accumulating positives

  • Build mastery

  • Cope Ahead

Accumulating positives is all about implementing one new behavior that may bring joy to your life, such as a self-care activity or a hobby.

Both the first two parts of accumulating positives and building mastery have been shown to help with depression through behavioral activation. An example could be adding an old hobby like knitting back into their life. And then encourage them to stick with it weekly as a way of building mastery of the skill as it takes time, and we aren't good at everything right away.

Last coping ahead is another skill that is often role played and walked through in therapy sessions. As it helps to walk through situations with a therapist and see how you could implement skills previously taught to cope with anxiety. For example, the therapist asking you how you could use your new skills to handle your mother differently at the next family gathering is asking you to find a way of coping ahead of time. This could then help you to solve problems with the therapist ahead of time. Which gives you multiple ways of surviving thanksgiving before it even starts.

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